Municipal Finance
Steve Coleman, Chief

Steve Coleman is the Chief of the Division of Municipal Finance. The division is responsible for calculating municipal state aid programs, operation of the Municipal Transparency Portal, staffing state oversight under the Fiscal Stability Act, fire district reporting, and providing guidance to municipalities on fiscal matters. Coleman holds an associate’s degree from CCRI, a bachelor’s degree from Bryant University with a dual major in finance and economics, and a master’s degree in business administration from Providence College. Coleman started in state government in 2006 as an intern for Governor Cacieri’s Fiscal Fitness program before moving on to Putnam Investments where he worked with hedge fund and derivative security accounting. He rejoined state service in 2012 with the Division of Municipal Finance. During his first three years with the division, he was assigned to the City of Woonsocket as its director of Budget Commission Affairs. In 2016, Coleman was named deputy chief of the Division of Municipal Finance.
Division of Municipal Finance
Phone: (401) 574-9900
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