Lieutenant Governor visits office
Lt. Gov. Sabina Matos visited the DOR offices Thursday, Jan. 9 to confer with senior staff about department priorities and Fiscal Year 2026 budgeting.

Need assistance?
- Did you receive a Central Collections Notice? Visit https://dor.ri.gov/central-collections-unit
- For DMV transactions, click Motor Vehicle Services »
- To find municipal financial data, visit https://municipalfinance.ri.gov/municipal-transparency/data-comparisons
- For taxpayer services, choose https://tax.ri.gov/online-services/tax-portal
Our Mission
The mission of the Department of Revenue is to administer its programs, and consistently execute the laws and regulations with integrity and accountability, thereby instilling public confidence in the work performed by the department.
As Department of Revenue employees, we adhere to the highest level of ethical conduct, respect the public trust, and are open, accountable and responsive to the needs of those we serve. We avoid the appearance of impropriety and do not use our position for personal gain or advantage.
Core Values
- To provide high quality services with integrity and responsibility
- To provide customer service and expertise in a cost-effective and efficient manner
- To be professional and impartial
- To be innovative
- To provide for fiscal accountability
- To promote fair and equitable treatment of all employees and applicants.